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Refrigerator repair
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Recent registrations on 🦖 Robozawr
We help specialists, companies and clients find each other and stay in touch
How does it work?
Just create a profile or find who you need
Creating a profile
A specialist or company creates a profile and fills it and it looks good in the catalog.
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Client finds the profile
The client finds the profile by keywords and in the region he wants. If the client likes the profile, he sends a request.
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Fast request processing
We've made it so that a customer's request can come directly to a specialist or company via messenger, email or API, so they can get in touch with the customer instantly.
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Beginning of cooperation
A representative of the company or specialist contacts the customer at the details specified in the application and voila, cooperation has begun!
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Profile for everyone
We have considered the needs of both large and small businesses so that your profile attracts more customers
Big business
Speed up communication with customers. Respond to requests while the customer is still hot.
Medium-sized businesses
More people will find you. Your profile will appear both in our search and in all search engines.
Get more orders. Your services will be known by those who will become your new customers.
Invite your friends
Those who provide services and seek clients will thank you
We just opened
That's why there aren't many profiles in the catalog. Send a link to our site to friends and colleagues, tell those who provide services about us. That way more people can find each other.
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Get a beautiful profile
With contacts, maps and a form for taking orders.
The profile is prepared to be found, both in our catalog and in search engines.
Get into the catalog first
We build the largest catalog of companies and specialists in your region
Instant service customer
Notifications of orders are received instantly in a convenient messenger, or by email, or via API.
Integrate order-taking into your website, social network page or CRM
Along with the profile you are provided with an additional form for receiving orders. Through this form, you can accept orders free of charge and unlimited. Place the link to the form on your social network page or on your website and accept orders directly in your messenger.

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If you have a large flow of customers, or the order process is already set up through some kind of CRM, no problem. You can also accept orders from Robozawr directly into your CRM, or anywhere via simple HTTP notifications.

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We tried to make almost everything free
  • Accepting orders through the form - free unlimited.
  • You can take orders through your profile for free up to 10 per month. Well, if you need more, you can buy more for 0.04 USD per order or just wait for the next month for free.
  • VIP promotion with VIP points from 0.03 USD
  • Everything else is free.
You can contact us, send us your question, complaint, request, report error through the form >